Read how we handle your data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Who collects the data

It collects your personal data:

  • FORMÁNEK Logistic s.r.o.
  • ID: 25954083
  • Address: Starý Bydžov 41, 503 57 Starý Bydžov
  • Contact e-mail:

What data we collect

We collect the following personal data:

  • Contact form: name, surname, e-mail, phone number.
  • Inquiry form: name, surname, e-mail, phone number.
  • Career form: name, surname, email, phone number.

Reason and purpose of data collection

  • Contact form: on the basis of future contract performance, so that we can answer your inquiry about your service request.
  • Enquiry form: based on future contract performance, so that we can respond to your demand for our services.
  • Career form: so we can respond to your demand for a job opportunity.

How long we keep the data

  • Contact form: for a maximum of 1 year.
  • Demand: for 1 year.
  • Order: for the period prescribed by law.

Who processes personal data

The processor of this data is:

  • FORMÁNEK Logistic s.r.o. (registration number 25954083, registered office Starý Bydžov 41, 503 57 Starý Bydžov), which operates this website.


When you browse a website, your IP address is recorded, how long you stay on the page and which page you come from. We see the use of cookies to measure website traffic and to customize the display of the website as a legitimate interest of the administrator.

You can disable the use of cookies in your browser.

What you are entitled to

  • Ask what data we process, for what purpose, to what extent, for how long and who has access to it.
  • You can request the correction or deletion of this data.

Where to go

  • If you believe that we are processing your data in breach of applicable law, please contact us.
  • If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you can file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection.

This Privacy Policy is valid and effective from 17.10.2024.